Friday, March 16, 2007

We're two years old!

A couple of days ago marked our second anniversary! We've come a long way since we first opened the shop, and we owe our success so far to you.



Adam said...

Congrats dudes. PCB is the raddest bike shop I've ever set foot in.

Anonymous said...


Congratulations - two years. That's a big step. Glad to know you and very happy for your success. Tap a new keg and toss one back as you look forward to year number three. Also, thanks for convincing my supervisor not to get the "old lady" hybrid bike.

Kyle Carr

Tim Jackson said...

Dude! Where'd my comment go? I posted a congrats the other day... but it ain't here. Any way, congratulations. You guys rock. Bernie rocks (VOTE FOR BERNIE) and Jason rocks. You guys have done some really cool things for a small retailer and I think this sort of vision is missing elsewhere, so I really hope that #2 turns into 20 or more. At least.

Great work and congratulations.

Anonymous said...

A belated happy anniversary to yous guys, or would you prefer "happy birthday"? Keep up the good work!
