Wednesday, March 14, 2007

633 miles per Gallon

There was a good little bit of bicycle-commuting math in the Nov '06 issue of Bicycling.

A rider calculated the caloric energy in 1 gallon of gasoline, which came to about 31,000 calories. Then he started riding his bike, keeping track of his mileage and his calories burned. When he burned his 31,000th calorie, he had ridden 633 miles.

So you bicycle commuters, next time your office mates are talking about gas prices or cars, you can brag about how your ride to work gets 633 miles per gallon!


Anonymous said...

how many donuts is that? by-the-way,i just read that ulrich announced his retirement. do we need a moment of silence?

Adam said...

That's 155 original Krispy Kremes, but nobody really gets it's 88.571428 Chocolate Iced Kreme Filled Krispy Kremes.