Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Looking for Input

We're currently trying to figure out what bikes to buy this spring; we thought, "what better way than to ask the customers what they'd like to see in the store?"

See our first reader poll to the right...

Monday, January 29, 2007

campaign blog

I've started the Vote Bernie! campaign blog; the complete campaign website should be up by the end of the week (early next week at the latest).

Friday, January 26, 2007

Hello Madison, Wisconsin!

You know who you are (but I don't).

Seriously, thanks for stopping by. Don't be afraid to comment on a thread here and there...

Thursday, January 25, 2007


The bridges are VERY high-concept artistic-type structures... here's my bad photo of one of the models...

There are better photos to come; hopefully tomorrow, along with some interesting information about how they're going to pour those unusual concrete shapes.

Trinity River Vision

We were invited to an unveiling ceremony Streams and Valleys is having tonight for the Bridges of the Trinity River VisionTrinity River Vision, designed by renowned architect Bing Thom.

I'm curious to see what they'll look like... I'll try to sneak a camera in so I can post some photos here.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

I love Fort Worth

In fact, I love Fort Worth so much I've decided I want to take a more central role in making it an even better place to live.

Fellow Fort Worth citizens, I plan to campaign for the District 9 seat on the City Council.

Our district and our city are undergoing lots of exciting changes these days, and it's time to complement those changes by breathing new life into city government. What better way to do that than by putting fresh new faces on the city council?

Current council member Wendy Davis has admirably served four terms, making her one of the longest serving members from any district in recent history. Since there are no term limits in city government, it's up to the voters to keep the council from stagnating. I hope voters will give me the opportunity to continue improving and promoting our fantastic district.

Since many of you know me well, I'm sure it will come as no surprise that my platform is rooted heavily in urban, environmental, and transportation issues. It goes without saying that I'd like to continue making our city more bicycle-friendly.

If you're wondering how you can help, there are lots of ways, even if you don't live in District 9. I will update you frequently on volunteer opportunities with the campaign.

The first thing I will need help with is fundraising. I'll be filing paperwork to appoint a campaign treasurer tomorrow, after which I can begin accepting campaign contributions. Wendy Davis already has over $12000 in her campaign fund, so I've got lots of catching up to do. Anything you can give will help, even if it's just $5! My first expenditure will be a campaign website/blog. I promise to use the campaign blog to post frequent updates of ALL campaign contributions and expenditures, as running an ethichal, open campaign is very important to me.

Wish me luck, and start spreading the word!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Thought this was funny:

Apparently between responding to the ridiculous number of auto accidents of Texans who don't know how to drive in snow, the Downtown NPD had time to build this Police Officer snowman, complete with badge and tie:

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Pete's got a new bike!

You guys might remember the beautiful Independent Fabrication Titanium Crown Jewel we recently built for Jim Burger. Well, here's another one we just finished for Pete Ehlke:

As you can see, though it's the same model, it's completely different. That's the beauty od having a custom bike built just for you... the custom process means you can literally have anything and everything you want in your new bike.

Saturday, January 06, 2007


Lots of people were asking before the holidays when we'd have more shop jerseys in stock.

Well, the wait is over. They're here, in all sizes. Come get your before we sell out again!

Friday, January 05, 2007

Leadville '07

You regular blog readers know that I finished the '06 edition of the Leadville Trail 100 Mountain Bike race just barely under the time limit.

Many of you may also have heard that earlier in the year Lance Armstrong accepted an invitation to Race in Leadville. Shortly thereafter, Floyd Landis announced that he too had accepted an invitation to race Leadville. Then, just this past week Lance regrettably annouced that a scheduling conflict would keep him from racing after all (no doubt because he heard I was sending in my entry).

Anyway, the Leadville organizers allow people to enter as groups of up to 6, so I'd like to invite a few riders who'd like to fly the Panther City colors race Leadville with me. If you want to test your mettle against this epic day of riding, there are a few steps you must take:

1. Make sure you're really going to be available the weekend of August 11th (wouldn't hurt to get there a week or two early to acclimate to the extreme altitude, either)... there are no refunds once your entry is accepted!

2. Go to the LT100 website to get an entry form.

3. Bring me a filled out entry form, signed waiver, and a check for $220 made out to the Leadville Trail 100 by January 15 so we can mail them all in together.

4. Make travel/lodging arrangements EARLY. Leadville is a small town. The lottery for entry into the MTB race is February 1, so we should know by February 10th or so if we've got a spot in the race.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Very cool idea from our friend Tim Jackson

Here's how it works;
I post my list of bike blogs that I like and read and then you cut and paste the list onto your blog and add the sites that you like and read. Then anybody who reads the list does the same and a great viral meme is born, creating lots of exposure to the blogs on the lists and giving people a new set of blogs to read that they might not have known anything about. It's a great way to build and foster community among our peer group of cycling bloggers... and it's also a lot of fun and brings people together for a big virtual hug.

Without further delay, here is Tim's B-list, in no particular order at all...
Bicycle Design
Bike Portland
Bitch Kittie's Scratching Post
Cornerstone Life
Crooked Cog Network
Dave [Moulton] 's Blog
First and Last and Always
Go Clipless
Guitar Ted
i heart bikes
Interbike Times
Lady Velo
Missing Saddle
Panther City
Pro Bike Support
Blue Squirrel
Skibby Sez "Shut up and ride!"
Super Rookie
Surly Blog
Canari Cyclewear
The Life and Times at SockGuy
Tidbits and More (Donna from Kryptonite)
Ugly Bike

Tim and I read a lot of the same blogs, but here are a few I have to add:

howtoavoidthebummerlife (Swobo)
Flatman Returns
Commute By Bike
Moyer Cycles
Cowtown Chronicles (not always bike related, but Pete rides a bike, and loves Fort Worth...)
The Inimitable Tim Jackson, a.k.a. Masiguy
Shut up and drink the kool-aid!
Neil @ ROAD Magazine

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Hark, ye lovers o bicycles and beer!

Everybody keeps asking me if we're doing the Brewery Ride this Saturday...

YES! It's the first Saturday of EVERY month, rain or shine. So come drink some Rahr Beer with us. Be at the shop ready to roll at noon.

And this one is special... it's the FIRST ANNIVERSARY of the monthly rar ride. It's lucky ride number 13! Don't make us come find you!

Ride Report

Here you see the 5 brave souls and me who attempted to ride to Mineral Wells State Park and back on New Year's eve. It was a tough day. On the way out we battled incessant headwinds, dropping temperatures, and a wet unpaved section that felt like riding through quicksand. We dealt with one broken frame and one tacoed wheel. Yet somehow, 5 and a half hours after we started, we managed to get to Mineral Wells State Park in good spirits. A Big Thanks to Brian and J.C. who had some amazing Buffalo Bratwurst ready for us upon our arrival. I think everyone agreed that they were the best midride lunch ever.

We turned around and headed back. Ron, Tony N, Adam, and Tony T went at a pretty good pace. I rode back a bit and kept Chris company as he limped along with his badly bent front wheel. Our pace was really dragging, though, and if we'd kept going we'd have been out there all day... and I had a New Year's Party to host in a few hours... so we called for a ride the rest of the way in. Chris and I did a little more than a Metric Century of Pain, though.

To the four of you who made it, kudos. I'm gonna finish it fixed next year (Chris has already said he plans to ride his 'cross bike). Actually, I may try it again this spring when I've got more miles in my legs. Thanks for coming with, hope you had as much fun as I did, despite the bumps along the way.

Chris' bike with the tacoed front wheel: