Monday, March 19, 2007

Sunday Ride: Back on the road

The Masi was happy to be out on the road again; we rode 102 km out to Annetta North and back. It was a beautiful day: 72 degrees and overcast the whole afternoon. It was a bit windy, but most of the headwinds were on the way out, so sailing was smoother on the way back.

Here's the Masi hanging out on the roadside; you can't tell from the perspective in this picture, but this is one steep piece of road. It was all I could do to grind up it in my 39/25:

On the way home on Aledo Rd. I stopped to help this little guy across the road:

This Sunday I'm planning on riding about 150 km. Anybody want to come along?


Anonymous said...

Ohhhh... nice hill! What road is that on?

I was out that way on Sunday, too, prowling around Cattle Baron Road and the hills back in Remuda Ranch. Still have yet to find anything here that I can't do in a 39/21 :(

I'll ride with you on Sunday, assuming that the predicted monsoons do not show up.


Tim Jackson said...

Damn dude, if I were there and not in Taiwan... I'd go.

Nice bike too...

Anonymous said...

OK, that hill qualifies.

Garmin says 250 feet or so, and...

twenty seven percent.

Definitely on the List. I like it :)
