Friday, January 05, 2007

Leadville '07

You regular blog readers know that I finished the '06 edition of the Leadville Trail 100 Mountain Bike race just barely under the time limit.

Many of you may also have heard that earlier in the year Lance Armstrong accepted an invitation to Race in Leadville. Shortly thereafter, Floyd Landis announced that he too had accepted an invitation to race Leadville. Then, just this past week Lance regrettably annouced that a scheduling conflict would keep him from racing after all (no doubt because he heard I was sending in my entry).

Anyway, the Leadville organizers allow people to enter as groups of up to 6, so I'd like to invite a few riders who'd like to fly the Panther City colors race Leadville with me. If you want to test your mettle against this epic day of riding, there are a few steps you must take:

1. Make sure you're really going to be available the weekend of August 11th (wouldn't hurt to get there a week or two early to acclimate to the extreme altitude, either)... there are no refunds once your entry is accepted!

2. Go to the LT100 website to get an entry form.

3. Bring me a filled out entry form, signed waiver, and a check for $220 made out to the Leadville Trail 100 by January 15 so we can mail them all in together.

4. Make travel/lodging arrangements EARLY. Leadville is a small town. The lottery for entry into the MTB race is February 1, so we should know by February 10th or so if we've got a spot in the race.


:) said...

I thought even Landis wouldn't be able to race this because of his impending suspension???

Anonymous said...

Actually sent my application in on Thursday. Keeping my fingers crossed.