Thursday, January 18, 2007

I love Fort Worth

In fact, I love Fort Worth so much I've decided I want to take a more central role in making it an even better place to live.

Fellow Fort Worth citizens, I plan to campaign for the District 9 seat on the City Council.

Our district and our city are undergoing lots of exciting changes these days, and it's time to complement those changes by breathing new life into city government. What better way to do that than by putting fresh new faces on the city council?

Current council member Wendy Davis has admirably served four terms, making her one of the longest serving members from any district in recent history. Since there are no term limits in city government, it's up to the voters to keep the council from stagnating. I hope voters will give me the opportunity to continue improving and promoting our fantastic district.

Since many of you know me well, I'm sure it will come as no surprise that my platform is rooted heavily in urban, environmental, and transportation issues. It goes without saying that I'd like to continue making our city more bicycle-friendly.

If you're wondering how you can help, there are lots of ways, even if you don't live in District 9. I will update you frequently on volunteer opportunities with the campaign.

The first thing I will need help with is fundraising. I'll be filing paperwork to appoint a campaign treasurer tomorrow, after which I can begin accepting campaign contributions. Wendy Davis already has over $12000 in her campaign fund, so I've got lots of catching up to do. Anything you can give will help, even if it's just $5! My first expenditure will be a campaign website/blog. I promise to use the campaign blog to post frequent updates of ALL campaign contributions and expenditures, as running an ethichal, open campaign is very important to me.

Wish me luck, and start spreading the word!


Anonymous said...

Terrific! I can't thnk of anyone better. Good luck! I'll drop by with a donation.


Pete Wann said...

Man, you don't mess around! I thought we were just BSing at Rahr when you mentioned this!

You've got my vote!

Tony and Cami said...

Bern, let us know how we can contribute to your campgain fund.

Bernie said...

For now, you can either stop by the shop with cash or check made out to Bernie Scheffler Campaign Fund. You can mail a check to the shop.

As far as online donations are concerned, there will be a contribution link on the website when it's up. For the next couple of weeks, though (before the site is up) online donations can be sent via paypal to

With any donation, please include your full name, home address, and phone number.

Thanks! You guys are incredible!

:) said...

WOOT! This is going to be fun!

Can we have a bike parade when you win?

Anonymous said...

I'm gonna need spoke cards "Bernie for Martyr" to pass out. I mean Mayor!


Anonymous said...

I really like that idea, Ken. I may have to fire up the right brain and make a campaign poster spoke card.

City council? Hell, you've got my vote for Mayor.

Anonymous said...

Big ups to Bernie for putting his walk with his talk. Time to get some creative fundraising ideas! Sign me up to help.

Anonymous said...

Great to hear. Win or lose, I know you'll get those issues to the forefront! Stagnation is a good point and you'll shake that up.
Stepping up to the plate- I'm impressed. Good luck.
Jim Wilson

Anonymous said...


Before Benbrook I lived in Mistletoe Heights - Wendy Davis' stomping grounds. She has done a good job and they love her there. In other words, she'll be hard to knock off.

You, on the other hand, bring a whole new dimension to the campaign arena and I commend you for taking this chance. I believe you might be exactly what we need on the city council of FTW. I'm impressed, I'll contribute, and I wish you luck.

Kyle Carr