Monday, October 23, 2006

Texas Time Trials

Thursday night I stayed out way, way too late and drank way, way too much. A really bad idea since I was supposed to do a big event, the 12-hour Time Trial, on Saturday.

So, I spent all day Friday trying to recover from the night before instead of getting ready for my race. So Friday night at home I was up kind of late getting all my stuff ready (Food, cool-weather clothing, lights charging, etc.).

Then, in the middle of the four hours of sleep I'd managed to allot myself, my dogs went absolutely beserk, and I spent half an hour just trying to figure out what the hell was going on with them.

When the alarm went off at 3 a.m. I'd had a whopping 2.5 hours of sleep, and I knew it wasn't my day to go ride a bike for 12 hours. I'm disappointed (kicking myself for my terrible planning), because for me the Texas Time Trials is the coolest road event that happens locally.

When I finally got up and got ready to come to the shop Saturday morning, I found out the dogs' problem: my neighbor's truck, which is parked on the street below the window the dogs like to look out, had been broken into overnight. We were pretty busy at the shop on Saturday anyway, and Jason would have had a really hard day without me, so perhaps it worked out for the best.

To my friends that went (Frank, Brad): congrats on your rides. I wish I could have been there on the course with you guys.

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