Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Cool Acting Company

So the Aquila Theatre Company (based in New York and London, I think) was at Bass Hall last night doing a one-night-only production of Romeo and Juliet.

It was a great classical production, with a traditional, minimalist set and costumes, so I knew I was going to enjoy it. I hate it when some theater company tries to do "Romeo and Juliet, set during the Civil War!" or "King Lear on Rollerskates!"

This company did have one really unique twist, though. So unique, I had to share it with all of you.

The actors lined up on the edge of the stage just before the lights went down. One of them made an announcement:

"The six actors in front of you have each learned every single part in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. Tonight the hand of fate, provided by you, the audience, will decide who plays which role."

With that, each actor individually went into the crowd with a velvet bag full of names, and chose an audience member to pull a part from the hat. If they pulled a part that was already taken, they chose again.

It ended up that a a woman played a couple of man, and one man played a woman's role. But they pulled it off... it was damned impressive.

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