Wednesday, April 04, 2007

More pictures.

Next stop after the saucer was the Bull and Bush; for some reason at this point people started buying me shots of my favorite German beverage (besides Spezi, of course). They were delicious.

There were some dart games going on, so we waited our turn to get a board to play on:

For some reason after a few shots, my butt starts shaking all by itself:

Paul was sportin' the Shants:

Somebody started getting all artsy with the camera:

The boys had to wait for me because I forgot to turn the darts in at the Bull and Bush to get my ID back. Shortly thereafter, Pete's left crankarm wobbled loose, so a few of us rode up to the shop to get repair supplies:

We met back up at Ol' South Pancake House (open 24/7/365), where we ate and fixed pete's bike:

Adam got a little excited about his chocolate chip pancakes:

"It's doo-doo, bay-bee."

Satisfied riders:

1 comment:

Adam said...

Yeah! That's what I'm talking about. Two in one day. Now keep it up!