Friday, February 09, 2007

This makes us very, very happy:

Read more here.


Anonymous said...

I have one right in front of my house! It's the greatest. I need to place my trash cans in a different place, but so what!

:) said...

What does it do?

Anonymous said...

So what does it mean? I've seen the pavement markings around here. I know a bike lane when I see one, but what exactly is a bike route?


Bernie said...

Oh yeah... it also means that now we can say our shop is "Conveniently located at the intersection of FW Bike Routes 37 and 312." How cool is that?

I'm pretty sure we're the only shop in town located on one of these routes.

Hasty! said...

I love them. It actually doesn't change anything for me because I was already riding most of the routes before they were routes. However, I love having the "Sharrows" on the street. Sort of reinforces what we already know... that we belong on the streets as well.

Anonymous said...

Couldn't happen at a better store!
Yes if you were already riding here, great... now more motorists are aware.

My simple thought... no one likes to look like an idiot, not even the guy in the big truck yelling at cyclists to get off the road. If there's a sign every 1/2 mile saying you belong there... that might quite him for a while!

I'm sooo pleased to see these up.
Of course as soon as they're ALL complete... time to ask for more.

Thanks to all those that showed up in May of 2006 at FW City Council in support of these! Without those in attendance, this would never have happened (they were after all, planned in 1999).

Cyclists are not a minority when we group together!

Jim Wilson

Velo, Tx said...

Hey, is that Cree N. in the background?

Anonymous said...

Not to sound stupid but where do you find a bike route map?

Bernie said...

Not a stupid question at all. The map for the first phase of routes is on the city website:

Anonymous said...

How does that back wheel stay on? Some cool new frame design?

Benbrook's signs have the "traditional" frame!


Anonymous said...

Yeah, Benbrook signs! We were actually hoping that Fort Worth would incorporate the same type sign that Benbrook uses with the addition of the route numbers. Mainly because Benbrook's signs are more visible. I'm not complaining - I'm very excited to have these signs up. Have ridden or driven most of the new routes. Good start. Now let's get the rest of those 300 miles of routes markings up!

Kyle Carr