Friday, February 09, 2007

Safe Passing Bill needs our support

SB248: The Safe Passing Bill
The Safe Passing Bill would require a motorist to give at least three feet of clearance when passing a bicyclist and would require a commercial vehicle to give at least six feet of clearance when passing a bicyclist.

Approximately 50 cyclists per year are killed in bicycle-automobile crashes in Texas. About 40% of those are killed by motorists traveling in the same direction. Most of those 20 deaths per year could be prevented if this law were enacted and obeyed by motorists.

The Safe Passing Law, modeled on the Move Over Act (for emergency vehicles) which passed in the 2003 Texas legislative session, simplifies the punishment issues and provides a clear framework for identifying the obligations of a passing motorist to either move over or slow down when passing a cyclist. With this law, the vision of "Share the Road" can be fully realized.

SB248, which was authored by Senator Rodney Ellis, will be presented to the Senate Transportation Committee on Wednesday, February 14. We are working to present our case and need help from constituents in the districts of the Senate Transportation Committee members.

With the Senate Transportation Committee Hearing approaching next week, it is urgent that you contact your SENATOR if he/she is on the Senate Transportation Committee. The Senate Transportation Committee members are: Senate District 2 - Senator Bob Deuell (R), Senate District 3 - Senator Robert Nichols (R), Senate District 4 - Senator Tommy Williams (R), Senate District 8 - Senator Florence Shapiro (R), Senate District 10 - Senator Kim Brimer (R), Senate District 13 - Senator Rodney Ellis (D), Senate District 14 - Senator Kirk Watson (D), Senate District 16 - Senator John Carona (R), Senate District 25 - Senator Jeff Wentworth (R), Senate District 29 - Senator Eliot Shapleigh (D).

If you are not sure who your state senator is, go to this url: and enter your address to find out who represents you.

Please send a letter and contact your Senator if you live in his/her district to show your support of the Safe Passing Bill. This is the most important legislation for cyclists in Texas' history. We will be protecting the lives of cyclists throughout the state.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Check the LMRA Bicycle Club website message board's "State Issues" section about this issue.
Direct link is:

We've provided district maps, information, and most important... direct links to e-mail those State Senators we need to "inform" of our concern regarding this topic.

Please take a minute and let them know.

Jim Wilson