Sunday, January 20, 2008

New Tubes

Well, actually they're not new. These are the same high-quality innertubes we've always stocked from Quality Bicycle Products, but they're in new packaging.

Now, you're probably asking yourself "what's so exciting about the boxes my tubes come in?"

Well, I admit that I totally geek out over green business practices. I really respect companies that do what they can to lessen their impact on the environment. QBP's new tube boxes are printed on 100% recycled paperboard, with soy inks. It's a tiny detail, but if they sell millions of tubes a year the impact really adds up!

1 comment:

Tim Jackson said...

QBP is great people too. I spent the past three days with some of them and listening to the things they do for both the industry and the environment. They are good for the business and good for the planet.