Thursday, January 24, 2008

Don't forget about the Swap Meet!

Come see us at the Great Southwest Bike Swap on Sunday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Here's a little sneak preview of the very special, swap-meet-day-only specials we'll be offering:

Innertubes: $3.00 each or 10 for $25
Ultra-bright LED taillights: regularly $35, just $15
Serfas Interchangeable Sunglasses, W/ 4 different lens colors: regularly $50, just $35
All winter clothing: 50% off
Hammer Gel Bulk Bottles: regularly $20, just $15
Serfas FP50 floor pump, w/built-in gauge and dual head: regularly $25, just $15

This is not even close to all the great deals we'll have, but it should give you an idea of the kind of discounts you can expect. We'll have a few of last years bikes on sale as well.

Finally, we'll be emptying out our bins of used, odd, or mismatched parts and offering them for sale. Make us a reasonable offer on any of this stuff, and we'll probably take it. We've got STI shifters, cranksets, handlebars, tires, saddles, derailleurs, and much more.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are the local shops using the Swap meet to clear out their inventory for year end? What a great idea! I'm so there.