Monday, January 21, 2008

The Age of Conversation

Even after 3 years of blogging for my business, I'm always amazed by the increasing potential of blogging as a marketing tool. The collaboration it encourages is its greatest asset, and I know I have only scratched the surface of its possibilities.

Last year Drew McLellan and Gavin Heaton, a couple of very ambitious marketing bloggers, came up with an exciting idea. They challenged 100 bloggers to contribute one page - 400 words - on the topic of "conversation."

The resulting book, The Age of Conversation was sold online. The books editors and authors all signed over the rights to their chapters and agreed that all proceeds would be donated to Variety, the Children's Charity.

PCB friend Tim Jackson contributed to the book last year and raved about the experience; when I heard from him that there would be a "Conversation 2.0," I knew I had to give it a try.

Go on over to Drew's Blog to read more about this year's book, and to vote on the topic. You need not be an author to vote.

The three possible topics are:

-Marketing Manifesto
-Why Don't People Get It? [I voted for this one]
-My Marketing Tragedy (And what I learned)

Voting ends January 31, so get to it!


Gavin Heaton said...

I noticed that you are already signed up, Bernie. Great! Looking forward to working with you.

Tim Jackson said...

Welcome to the family Bernie. Gavin and Drew are two of the brightest minds I know- and not just in marketing either. I'm happy you've come out to join the movement. You won't be disappointed.