Friday, December 22, 2006

RSVP for the Century of Pain™

Could everyone planning to participate in the New Year's Eve ride leave a comment here confirming your attendance? I'd like to have a pretty good idea of how many are coming by Dec. 29 or thereabouts. As I mentioned in the comment thread of the previous Century post, there's a possibility some of our friends might be able to have lunch ready for us upon our arrival at Mineral Wells SP.


Hasty! said...


Hoping to survive.

Anonymous said...

I'm in, what else am I going to do?

Anonymous said...

the bratwurst has been secured.

Anonymous said...


69 gear inches and a flask of bourbon to keep me warm.

Anonymous said...

In. Bike, brats, bourbon & beers.. only B missing involving beads.

Tony and Cami said...

Should be good to go, no party though.