Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Bernie's New-Years-Eve Fixed-Gear Century of Pain™

Do you need one last bicycle story for 2006? You know, the stories that you love to tell your non-cycling friends because they look at you with such a sense of bewilderment as to why anybody would do such a thing to their own bodies?

Well, they don't get it. But you do, so that's why I'm inviting anybody who desires to come with me on a really long fixed-gear ride this New Year's eve. Single-speed road/cyclocross bikes are welcome too. Actually, if you don't have a non-geared bike you can still do this ride. You can just choose a suitable gear, and I'll render your shifters temporarily inoperable with some athletic tape.

The pace will be moderate, because I'm pretty out of shape and because we'll be heading into somewhat hilly (and very headwindy) country. That means you should GEAR LOW. I'm running a 44-18 gear, which is 64.5 gear inches. Shoot for something close to that if you can.

If you've got tires bigger than 23mm, it wouldn't be a bad idea to put 'em on your bike. There will be some non-paved sections on this route. There are also long sections with no convenience store support, so be sure you can carry plenty of food/drink on your bike. This will be an out-and-back route, with the start being here at the shop at 6 a.m. and the turn-around being Mineral Wells Lake (in Mineral Wells State Park). I estimate this route will be about 110 miles.

The prize for finishing? A spoke card and a fajita dinner at my house later that evening. House Party starts @ 7:30 p.m. and goes 'till the ball drops.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I'm in. Actually I've done this before, only from Benbrook Y.

Anonymous said...

Maybe I should drive the support car.

Anonymous said...

Dangit. I'm out. I would love this. I could even wear my new PCB jersey that I got for christmas(fingers crossed). Of course that might knock the brooks saddle or the work stand out of the running.

It is in the hands of the fates. And santa.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like fun, painful, but fun. I'm in.

Anonymous said...

can i still party if i dont ride?

Anonymous said...

Ok let me qualify the second post...I've done this before on my SS. I'll ride this with the flipflop when my knees say enough I'll flop.

Bernie said...

Carola- Yes, of course you can come to the party!

To all the riders: I'm really looking forward to this ride. Keep in mind the ride will be unsupported, so have an escape plan in case of emergency/mechanical failure.

There is a possibility that some of our friends will be camping out at Mineral Wells State Park, and if they're there, they've offered to have some sort of simple lunch ready upon our arrival. Then a couple of them might ride back into town with us.

Bernie said...

Carola- Yes, of course you can come to the party!

To all the riders: I'm really looking forward to this ride. Keep in mind the ride will be unsupported (unless Lonnie was serious about driving the "team car"), so have an escape plan in case of emergency/mechanical failure.

There is a possibility that some of our friends will be camping out at Mineral Wells State Park, and if they're there, they've offered to have some sort of simple lunch ready upon our arrival. Then a couple of them might ride back into town with us.