A properly handbuilt wheel will always be more durable than a factory one, and should never break a spoke under normal riding conditions... in fact, we guarantee our wheels for life against spoke breakage not caused by a crash. The rim or hub should wear out before a spoke breaks. Once in a while, a defective spoke gets through QC, and if one does break, we'll replace it and true your wheel for FREE. For as long as you own it.
Look at those beautiful Surly hubs. These are no longer available... we have a couple of pairs, so if you want these hubs (or a mountain bike version) with a different color rim, just let us know.
We think the Velocity Deep-V is the most reliable rim out there, and it's pretty aero' to boot. I've got an orange pair on my road bike, and a pink pair on my fixie, and I love 'em!
Price for the set is $425; it's a great deal for a limited-edition wheelset with a lifetime guarantee!
Maybe I'll just have to mail you a hub of mine and have you build it up for me... got any good tubular rims?
Thems purdy wheels.
Do you have any to fit a penny farthing?
Now I'm jealous! When are mine gonna be done?
I'm thinking maybe we should polish up those SR hubs before they hook up to the GL 330s... :-)
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