There aren't many (any) other urban single speed road bikes under $300; this has to be the best deal going for somebody looking for a hip, reliable bike on the cheap.
This bike and a sweet Chrome messenger bag would be all you need to get around town, or campus, in style.
A nice new touch is a sizing sticker that echoes the "beer" theme of the Draft, Lager, and Stout:
What's the blogger discount? ;)
Ayae! fLATMAN, and what of a be-e-e-er blogger discount!?
Take it easy bloggers... you'll get a good deal. So good, in fact, I can't legally quote it here. Just come by and let's make a deal...
that would make a heck of a cyclespeedway bike as well.
I recently bought a draft. The gear ratio is good, but not for extremely hilly rides, just got to get out of the saddle a lot. It's a lot of fun though, good basic cheap bike.
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