Sheldon Brown, the man who pioneered the use of the internet to disseminate obscure and semi-obscure bicycle information, a man who kicked it old school no matter how much the industry tried to convince him of the merits of the latest technology, died yesterday of heart failure.
I can't count the times I've used the gear calculator on his website, or the number of times I've heard in response to a question about cycling minutiae "I bet you can find it on Sheldon Brown."
He was a teacher and guide to millions of people he'd never met. He and his opinions will certainly be missed.
Oh man, that's really too bad. His website is the definitive bike info site. It wasn't so much the thoroughness of the info, it was the undeniable personality Brown imparted on it. I know I used the heck out of that site.
I don't even have my bike yet, and I was already enjoying reading Mr. Brown's site. Rest in peace, Sheldon.
wow....sad news...
he will be missed.
Sheldon was a treasure to the Fund of Bicycle Knowledge. I got more information from his writing than anyplace else.
Is there a bicycling Hall of Fame? He needs to be in it?
Strike the interrogative from the last statement - that was accidental.
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