There were some dart games going on, so we waited our turn to get a board to play on:
For some reason after a few shots, my butt starts shaking all by itself:
Paul was sportin' the Shants:
Somebody started getting all artsy with the camera:
The boys had to wait for me because I forgot to turn the darts in at the Bull and Bush to get my ID back. Shortly thereafter, Pete's left crankarm wobbled loose, so a few of us rode up to the shop to get repair supplies:
We met back up at Ol' South Pancake House (open 24/7/365), where we ate and fixed pete's bike:
Adam got a little excited about his chocolate chip pancakes:
"It's doo-doo, bay-bee."
Satisfied riders:
1 comment:
Yeah! That's what I'm talking about. Two in one day. Now keep it up!
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