Here's the Masi hanging out on the roadside; you can't tell from the perspective in this picture, but this is one steep piece of road. It was all I could do to grind up it in my 39/25:
On the way home on Aledo Rd. I stopped to help this little guy across the road:
This Sunday I'm planning on riding about 150 km. Anybody want to come along?
Ohhhh... nice hill! What road is that on?
I was out that way on Sunday, too, prowling around Cattle Baron Road and the hills back in Remuda Ranch. Still have yet to find anything here that I can't do in a 39/21 :(
I'll ride with you on Sunday, assuming that the predicted monsoons do not show up.
Damn dude, if I were there and not in Taiwan... I'd go.
Nice bike too...
OK, that hill qualifies.
Garmin says 250 feet or so, and...
twenty seven percent.
Definitely on the List. I like it :)
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