Micah Locke (aka "Pelon," hill-climber extrordinaire) and I drove out on Thursday Morning to do a little camping, hiking, biking, stargazing and just plain floating downstream. In two words or less, It was just plain awesome in every sense of the word. Here are some photos with more on the way.
The drive in and up to the Davis Mountains.
Davis Mtns State Park
A view from across the Park up to the McDonald Observatory.
McDonald Observatory
Heading up around and through Sawtooth Mtn. at about mile 50.
It does'nt look like it, but there were other riders. These photos are
really huge so If you like you can click on it and zoom in.
Look at those handsome devils.
The first of many hills on hwy 118.
Micha and I were doin a little river exploring
and found this deep pool to wade through.
It was a lot of fun streamin that day before
the ride.
Locke chillin after with a fine beverage. Oh life is hard.
Peyton Bikes
Must... have.... pictures....
Also, was Micah singing as he flew past everyone going up the mountain? Hope not, that's a quick ticket to a frame pump in the spokes from other riders! Did he at least look like he was suffering a little???
A) Why don't I have a Panther City t-shirt?
2) Dang!
Looks like great fun.
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