my love goes to Outkast for the inspiration for this headline.
some chicas selling...ah.. something I don know.
The playa himself, the man behind the brand, Tim Jackson Masiguy.
I grilled him on the whole, not having steel for 07 thing, I gave him the
International symbol for (what the P#*%^ ) confused expression, shrugged shoulders, and hands turned up and to the side.
He said he is going to try and keep it around somehow just for me.
Thanks for all you do Tim.
Emma our Limar girl with her very nice.. ah...accent.. yeah.
This is Surly's new thing the BIG DUMMY. Yes that's right it's an Xtracycle " longbike " uh.
and the hottest babe of the show was right there with me. That's right
my Cherri and Masi's first fixie ever.
Cool huh.
A green something.. cruiser I think. definitely the coolest cruiser at the show
concept or no.
Yes ladies and Gents it's Phil Ligget with me signing my bag. cool.
Other celebs that were spotted there included:
Gary Fisher, Tara Yanes, freddie Rodriguez and Sheldon Brown.
Oh no.. I had better slow down. They are distracting me will they remove
the cash from my back pocket.
Well those are the highlights of this years show
I hope you have enjoyed it as much as I have.
Via Con Dios