This is a Christmas self-portrait by our photo-artist buddy Kenneth... can you feel the bicycle love? If you can't, you better check your pulse.
If you like this photo, and want to see more bicycle art, you're in luck. We're going to try to get involved with Fort Worth South's ArtsGoggle this year, with Kenneth as our featured artist.
That's a great photo. I had to look at it for a second before I realized that he used the "B" setting and a car went past. Awesome picture with that "just right" amount of exposure.
Also, just a thought I'm throwing out there... If you do get involved in the ArtsGoggle (which would be way cool), you could even throw out a challenge to all your customers to submit photos of how they see the city as a cyclist. Maybe take some of the best photos and do a storyboard, or perhaps a mural? Give the people walking through a glimpse of that weird counter-culture that is starting to take over my life, as well as the lives of others here in Fort Worth...
Don't know, I might be talking out of my butt. It's just one of those random thoughts I throw out from time to time. I just know that you have TONS of customers that have very artistic tendencies.
Plus, the buzz your shop would get from this project could be very good.
I'm loving that idea. THAT is a great idea Bernie- I would give it some thought. I'd love to see those pictures too. Maybe I'll put out a similar request on my blog site and see if I can come up with a gallery too.
It's a great idea...
way to go kenneth. rock out with your you know what out.
I think you guys could have a cool niche if done right. Have actual gallery shows. They do it in coffee shops all the time. Why not a bike shop? You have a GREAT space for it which is a bonus. The walls in that place mixed with the beam ceilings for lighting are perfect. You could do some really great shows in there. Having some sort of bicycle them to the artists showing would be a bonus.
He's right. You need to do it. It's good for bidnits... and the arts community. A win-win.
Did you see that Kenneth is the VeloNews photo contest winner?
How freakin' cool is that?!
Big congratulations to Kenneth!
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