Now, I'll be the first to admit that the bike looks pretty cool set up for time trials. The part I'm concerned about is how excited he is about getting on his bike and riding for 12 HOURS! But that's another story. Take a closer look at the very cool Arundel Chrono aero water bottle/cage combo (link at the bottom of this post will take you to Arundel's site; They're a Fort Worth company!):
And a nice pair of minimalist Vision aerobars:
And of course, since the race starts before the sun comes up, a nifty sub-aerobar lighting system:
I've been giving him a hard time about his geeked-out bike, and I hope some of you will, too. A 10% discount to every customer who comes in and asks Bernie where the "Flux Capacitor" is on his bike!
That link needs to have an "http://" in front of it to work.
Or you can just click
Oops. Original link is fixed. Thanks for the heads-up.
I'll bet you $10.00 that the "anonymous" comment with the correct Arundel link was Mr. Arundel himself... gotta love'em.
Full tilt geekdom. Embrace it. Hold it. Become one with it.
How come you guys never told me you started/ have a blog? Rock on! Keep it up, I'll be back again...
We've had the blog up for a while, but it's only recently taken off pretty substantially. I was pretty excited when Watson showed us your blog for the first time.
A relatively small percentage of our customers read the blog, but the ones that do talk about it, and those are the same folks that are excited about cycling and tell all their friends about us. (If that's you, and you're reading this, THANKS!)
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