Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Monday Night Ride Report

And the ride grows...

Last night we had 7 riders and had a great ride. We rode to Thunderbird Field at Benbrook lake and back, a total of 31 miles. We averaged an oh-so-cozy 15 mph.

Afterward, a few stayed to sit by the grill, drink a beer or two (or more; who's counting?), and cool off. Just when the food was ready, six Hooter's girls showed up with more beer. They really livened up the party. Those of you who couldn't stay really ought to try to fit it into your schedule next week...


Thursday, June 23, 2005

Good Luck Timmy!

One of our favorite customers, local firefighter Tim McCulley, is on his way to Idaho this weekend to compete in the Coeur d'Alene Ironman Triathalon.

It takes a special kind of nut just to want to finish a 2.4 mile swim, followed by a century bike ride, followed by a full marathon, much less actually be competitive. Best of luck, Tim.

Below is a link to the Coeur d'Alene website. You can track Tim's progress live on the site; his bib number is 463.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Monday Night Ride Report

The inaugural Monday night ride was a success... we rode 25 miles
(out to Benbrook lake and back) at a nice pace. Never too out of
breath to carry on a conversation.

Come ride with us next week. And stick around to grill and drink
some beers after.

Monday, June 20, 2005


Houston, we have T-Shirts...

We got a shipment of 48 Panther City Bicycles ringer Ts today.
They are grey with black rings and black ink. Price is $15.

Come buy one (or two)...

Beer and Brats Ride

I wanted to remind everyone of our
Beer and Brats Ride this Monday evening.

Bring yourself and your goodies to put in
our fridge at 5:30pm; We ride at 6:00pm.

We gonna grill out back after!

Keep your business local

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Shop Ride!

Text of a recent e-mail sent out to those on our
mailing list (if you'd like to be on our e-mail list,
use the link below to contact us):

In response to popular demand, we are organizing
our first shop ride. Here are the details:

Every Monday night at 6:00 sharp we'll leave for a
road ride. We leave at 6, so be here by 5:30 to get
ready. It'll be a comfortably-paced (15ish mph
average) road ride. Most will probably be on road
bikes, but if you're man (or woman) enough to keep
up on your mountain bike, please come join us
anyway. Everyone's welcome (I'll probably even ride
my single-speed sometimes).

After the ride, we'll relax at the shop. Maybe grill
some brats, drink some beer, and just generally try
to offset the healthy benefits of the ride. We'd love
you to join us in our post-ride revelry. Just bring
your favorite grillables and refreshments. We'll
stick 'em in the shop fridge while we ride.

Any questions? Call us at 817-348-0660. Also,
many of your bicycle-riding friends may not be on
our shop e-mail list. Please feel free to forward this
to anyone you think might enjoy such a ride.

Love, Luck, and Lollipops to you all,

Bernie and Jason

Monday, June 13, 2005

New bicycles!

We just got the news... we've been approved to be dealers of Haro BMX and mountain bikes, and of Masi road bikes. We should have our first shipment by Friday, so come check out the new stuff on Saturday!

Link below to Haro's website...

Friday, June 03, 2005

Props to my pard

This beer goes out to my very on pard Bernie....
Yes, he is the man.
A customer came in with a bad wheel
that needed a few spokes so my
pard loaned him one of his own wheels
right of his own Bicycle until the other
one could be repaired.

How cool is that? Now I don't know of many
shops, or people for that matter, that would
do such a thing.

Thanks Bernie
I'll be buying the shiner tonight.
