Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Panther City Bicycles T-Shirts available!

Use the link below to purchase your very own Panther City Bicycles T-Shirt. Proceeds go to a good cause (i.e. helping us not go broke while we struggle with the city to get our Certificate of Occupancy).

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Panther City Bicycles in Fort Worth Star-Telegram!

It's not a big feature story or anything, but it is a mention. We were on page 5c of yesterday's (Feb. 21) Star-Telegram (item number 7) under the heading "Panther City Bicycles Gears up for Service."

Monday, February 21, 2005

Happy Birthday to Rolf Scheffler

Yes, today is my younger brother's birthday. He is 22. Send him b-day wishes using the link below.


We have inventory!

We've just received most of our opening inventory! It's an exciting development for us. Unfortunately, though, we're still waiting on the city to get our space inspected and issue our certificate of occupancy.

Bikes we've received include the KHS Solo-one (single-speed!), Flite 200 (great commuter), Alite 300 (entry-level ATB), Flyer and Flyer Deluxe (cruisers), T-Rex and Raptor (Kids' ATBs), and Hot Rod. We also got a full line of kids' bikes, including a few Free Agent BMX models.

To see the KHS bicycles, visit
To see Free Agent bikes, visit

If you need a bike, a part, or a repair done before we open next month, e-mail us and we'll try to come to you (since you can't come to us yet)!




Welcome to the Panther City Blog, a forum for all things concerning bicycles and/or Fort Worth. You are reading the first-ever post!

Jason and I look forward to keeping our customers and fellow Panther City-zens updated through this forum. Bookmark it, come often, and help keep us informed!

